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4 Hilarious Practical Joke Ideas for Wedding Guests

Having fun with your wedding guests is an expectation that all newlyweds share. From games, events, and karaoke, there are plenty of ways to enjoy your wedding festivities and have loved ones wanting more.

In the modern day of internet pranks and fun you will find that practical jokes are all the buzz. It is always fun to be a bit confused by a magic trick or even just a simple switch up. Play tricks on the wedding and guests alike to offer laughs and let everyone in on the fun from the moment the Indianapolis party bus pulls up in the venue.

A great simple prank is to greet guests at the door and offer them a coat instead of taking theirs. Simple effective and funny, confusion jokes are always a blast. Guests will be certain to arrive from an Indianapolis bus rental, but will not expect the switch of a very common thing like a coat check.

How about giving a guest a funny hat at the doorway? Ensure your guest that everyone inside the venue is wearing a funny hat, having them to find that they are the only person wearing it when they arrive. Do not worry about upsetting them, for they will have had such a nice time in the charter bus Indianapolis, that the prank will only further the fun to be had.

Misdirects can also be hilarious pranks to be played. When your special guest shows up have them chauffeured to the kitchen instead of the dining hall. When they arrive in the kitchen have your catering team in on the joke, handing the guest an apron and promptly putting them to work. Be sure to follow shortly to save them from the confusion and put a smile on their face with an invite onto the charter bus rental Indianapolis loves.



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